Sunday, April 14, 2013

I asked from my brother to help me and baboon to take graduation shoot and he agreed (: Still have not gotten the edited ones, this is a raw picture.

It feels awkward wearing a gown in the crowd as you will definitely be the attention. We went Raffles hotel, initally I wanted to go museum but it was raining. So there were lots of ang moh there and whenever they walked pass, they will give us a smile. A 'happy for you' smile, not those, 'HAHA, clowns'. Got some even take picture of us hor, dont think we never see huh. hahah! Anyway, it was super tiring and we were perspiring like siao. Hopefully the pictures will turn out nice (:

Work is still as tiring. I think I have reached another stage of work phase, start to drag to feet to work. This is a bad sign. This whole week is really testing my limit. I was so mentally drained, I think also due to my menses lah. On friday, I was stoning all the way as I totally brain dead. I thought that will happen only during exam period but no. As the day before we worked till 11:30pm and we are not allowed to reach office later the next day. what the hell is this. I broke down when I reached home that day. Having menses cramp, everyday leaving office after 8pm and not enough rest everyday. This is killing me. and so I told my colleagues, I die die also want to leave office by 7:30 on friday.

When I see my upperstudy tendering her resignation, I actually envy her. I also want to leave this place. Too much for me to take it.

Boyfriend has always been encouraging me to tahan until end of contract and I think that day he got a shock and asked me to resign if I want :'(

It's sunday already. Another week ahead. omgzzz..