Sunday, September 25, 2011
Updating this space seems like chore but I dont wish to lose this.
Anyway, last friday was my last day of work of my temp job. I was really happy. It is the suck-iest job I had. The job scope was ridiculous and the superiors are unreasonable. I was supposed to do administrative work but they asked me to pack their files for archiving. 200 over files to be packed into boxes and 200 over files to be packed back into the cleared cabinets. I was told to finish within 3 days and they expect me to do OT to finish everything. You should know how heavy are those ring files. The team lead is like a time bomb, she will throw temper on anyone when she is not in a good mood. everybody are bitching behind her. The crap I get from her is more than you can imagine. So, I am really glad that I survived through. I pity the one who is taking over me. god bless him.
But the boss was nice enough to treat everybody to F1 and high tea at Barracks. It seems to be the happiest day for that 3 months. haha.
School has started. 1 more year to go and I will be out working. dreaded it. This modules for this year is really tough, I must work double hard to get my second upper. Fingers crossed.
The month of October is coming and it means I am going to be really broke. 3 close friends' 21st birthday. but, really excited about it. hahaha!
Goodnight (: